L4E rule 6 (2014)

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This article covers L4E rule 6 for the 2014 L4E workload system. An overview of the L4E rules is found in the L4E rules of 2014.

The definitive reference for the rule is found on the CAP-ACP website.[1]


  • This rule applies to any case with extra blocks and/or levels requested by the pathologist.


Specimen type(s) Weight (L4E) Details Examples
All specimens with extra blocks requested by the pathologist 0.333 L4E/additional block 1 extra block (EB) = 0.333 L4E, 2 EB = 0.667 L4E, 3 EB = 1 L4E, 4 EB = 1.333 L4E colorectal cancer in 33 blocks with 11 lymph nodes, 3 more blocks submitted = 11 L4E (rule 9) + 1 L4E (rule 6)
All specimens with levels requested by the pathologist 0.15 L4E/3 levels (or 1 L1/3 levels) 1-3 levels = 0.15 L4E, 4-6 levels = 0.3 L4E, 7-9 levels = 0.45 L4E normal colorectal mucosa submitted as polyp + 3 deepers cut = 0.5 + 0.15 L4E


  • The above is in relation to the routine of the laboratory. If a lab routinely cuts 1 one slide for a particular type of case and the pathologist orders 3 deepers this rule applies.

See also


  1. Workload and Workforce Committee of the CAP-ACP. Workload Measurement Guidelines. Canadian Association of Pathologists (CAP-ACP). 2014. URL: https://www.cap-acp.org/cmsUploads/CAP/File/CAP-ACP%202014%20Workload%20FINAL.pdf. Accessed on: 17 October 2017.